$59.00 CAD
12 long stem white roses. Stunning and classic. The perfect touch to any gift
You can send a bouquet on its own, or include it with a beautiful gift basket.
A bouquet of white roses is an elegant gift for any occasion. A beautiful surprise for him or her, these fresh white flowers are perfect for any celebration of an anniversary or birthday. White roses are the perfect token of eternal love. Let someone know you are thinking of them by sending them a dozen beautifully grown white roses today!
These stunning roses reign from Ecuador and make such an amazing gift on their own, or can be an addition to one of our gift baskets. Each bouquet is hand delivered anywhere within Toronto and the surrounding GTA.
Anyone who receives these roses will feel extremely special in the most beautiful way. We are here to help make any occasion brighter and memorable, by helping you with any of your flower delivery needs. Send a dozen white roses for any occasion today!