$20.00 CAD
A Lulujo swaddle baby blanket box is just the right gift for all new parents and their newborn! Support Canadian businesses with this trusted high quality brand offering everlasting essentials for all your baby needs. The Lulujo swaddle blanket is a excellent gift if you are looking to buy a baby present for new parents.
This multi-functional blanket is premium quality with its extremely soft material and breathable cotton. It is functional, safe, and loveable. The breathability element to this swaddling blanket cannot be overlooked! Babies are most susceptible to negatively reacting to changing weather because of their internal thermostat has yet to fully develop and operate independently. Thus, this comfortable material creates and maintains reassurance and is soothing in nature.
The great feature about Lulujoo blankets is with each use, the swaddle becomes even softer. This soft touch is important because the act of swaddling creates a self-soothing situation where a baby feels safe on their own. Newborn boys and girls have a startle reflex which relates to babies feeling a loss of support. As a parent, you want to avoid triggering this reflex. A swaddling blanket prevents this scare because it wraps a baby’s arms securely by their side and without any room to fidget or fuss, the baby feels safe. The blanket in this case, mirrors a wrap very womb-like.
Overall, the warmer your baby is feeling, the greater chances of them falling asleep and staying soundly rested. Your Lulujo swaddle blanket box is waiting to be ordered and sent today! Surprise gift new parents and their precious little one who is just waiting for all the warmth, comfort, and relaxation a swaddling blanket provides.